Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, November 6, 2010

modern rice porridge by chef cook amaL (bluekk)

hahaha, sound delicious!! n of course it is.. tats the menu for 2day lunch!! yey.. n here are the recipe.. (poyo jep mcm org len xpndai buat.. ahax)

1. tumis bwg putih

2. masuk ayam n daging yg dipotong dadu..
goreng sparuh masak, msukkn beras n air..
tggu smpi nasi mnjadi masak n lembik

3. mskkn garam n sos tiram secukup rase..
tambahkn carrot, bile carrot da empuk,
msukkn daun sup n serbuk oregano secukup rase..
n kacau!!

4. biarkn sekejap smpai mnggelegak n siap!!
yey ^^

5. hidang bsame bwg goreng, daun sop,
limau nipis , hirisan lada kecil n telur masin..
(nk tambah lada sulah or budu pon sodap)



Anonymous said...

mcm sodap.acu

amaL azimah ahamad said...

mesti la sodap.. tgk la spe yg masak.. hahahaha